Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 2, Episode 22 “Telethon” (B+)

Leslie is absolutely the kind of person who would be extremely excited about getting the 2am-6am slot in a telethon, and she does a remarkable job of trying to coordinate it. I especially love her enthusiasm in comparison to everyone else’s, and it’s nice that they actually do help out despite their misgivings and lack of enthusiasm or energy. Their assorted contributions to the telethon were quite entertaining. Tom getting so drunk immediately was amusing, but what made it so fun was the subdued, deadpan reaction from the less than amused Detlef Schrempf. It was wonderful to see Andy finally stand up for April when the guy she was flirting with over the phone to make him jealous showed up and wouldn’t leave her alone. There may be a chance for the unlikeliest couple on this show to actually be something. The same likely isn’t true for Ann and Mark, which is a shame because they feel so completely differently. At least Leslie was able to stop Mark from doing anything on-air, and then came through as a friend for Ann by listening to her in her excessively fatigued state. My favorite part of the whole telethon was Ann rushing in to the frame to tell Leslie that she was not going to drink eight glasses of milk in three minutes because she would die. The runner-up to that was of course Leslie telling Ann that she was so tired that she may have parked on Ann’s lawn, followed by the pan over to Leslie’s car sitting right in the middle of Ann’s lawn.

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