Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 2, Episode 23 “The Master Plan” (B+)

I’m very happy to see the addition of both Rob Lowe and Adam Scott to the cast, and I see it as a positive new direction for the already strong show, a la “Chuck” in its season two finale, rather than an attempt to save an ailing show. From only this first installment of the two performers, it seems clear that Rob Lowe has the perfect energy for this show, exemplified by his belief that he is the first human being who will live 150 years, and he’ll be a great person for Leslie to interact with in coming episodes. His tryst with a drunken Ann should also lead to interesting places. Adam Scott is fun as “Ben the jerk,” very different from his character on “Party Down,” and him asking Leslie to get a drink at 10:30am was entertaining. Leslie and Ann getting drunk together was great, and I truly love their relationship. A drunken Ann thinking that she should possibly get back together with Andy was enjoyable, but not quite as much as the fact that she couldn’t remember her phone number so she gave Chris her phone. Andy trying to figure out how old April has to be for him to date her and realizing that if Tom says it’s okay, that probably means he’s not, was fun, but it’s a shame that April isn’t aware of his reasoning for not making a move. His end credits song with the word November instead of April was hilarious. Tom bonding with Lucy the bartender at the end of the episode was great, and the best part was the shocked and excited look on his face when she gives him her phone number. My favorite moment, however, was Ron struggling to comfort April and then sort of punching her on the arm, eliciting a smile from her.

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