Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What I’m Watching: Smallville

Smallville: Season 9, Episode 19 “Sacrifice” (F)

Yet another episode in which Chloe and Tess compete for the most stupid one-liners means yet another confusing instance of which side either of the women is really on. It’s not fulfilling at all, and Chloe saving Tess’ life isn’t a surprise, even though she seems to think it is. It really would help if the good guys starting killing the bad guys instead of just letting them live every time. Unfortunately, since the show has been renewed for a tenth season, people have to stay alive. On the other hand, however, the next season might not be so bad, because hopefully the name Zod will be expunged from this show’s vocabulary by that time, along with the term Checkmate. It’s about time they’re dismissed because they’ve definitely overstayed their welcome. The meeting of Green Arrow and Zod is overdue, and there was a brief glimmer of quality when Green Arrow said that he favors accuracy over speed and managed to shoot Zod with a Kryptonite arrow before he threw him across the room. I didn’t realize I was supposed to be keeping track of the individual Kandorians on this show, and Krypton living on through Zod’s baby would definitely have been a bad idea because he would have been sure to turn out just like his father. The shrill music cues are becoming especially grating, and I wish the show didn’t just always rely on that as a storytelling crutch. It’s not the only thing holding this show back from anywhere approaching quality though, so just getting rid of those probably won’t help much.

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