Friday, May 28, 2010

What I’m Watching: Treme

Treme: Season 1, Episode 7 “Smoke My Peace Pipe” (B+)

All of this show’s threads are really coming into their own as characters are firmly established and their attitudes towards New Orleans are made even clearer than before. The most powerful of this episode’s arcs is that of Albert, who organizes a group to move into the housing units closed by New Orleans, determined to take a stand. His conversation with the police sergeant sent to talk to him was great, and it was sad to see him get brutally taken into the custody by the police after he refused to leave. The discovery that David Brooks has been dead the whole time was equally devastating, and it was hard to watch Ladonna have to put on a happy face in front of her mother and tell her that she hadn’t found anything out about him yet. Annie having trouble playing while trying to find a new gig is another difficult yet worthwhile storyline that is being explored, adding depth to the otherwise one-note street performer plotline. It’s not all depressing, however, since Antoine seems to be doing well, playing at the airport and helping to provide a dying man with some music in the hospital. Creighton being back in the classroom is a very welcome thing, and it’s entertaining to see him wearing sneakers and having his students love him. Unsurprisingly, his attempts to write his book just deteriorate into snapping at his wife and making another video. Davis’ campaign may be short-lived, but it’s good to have him step in and help Janette bounce back from having to close her restaurant. I really like their relationship, and it’s good to see her getting back on her feet with help from a true friend with or without friends.

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