Sunday, May 2, 2010

What I’m Watching: V

V: Season 1, Episode 9 “Heretic’s Fork” (B+)

I love when the “previously on” segment leads right into the opening moments of the installment in question (like the season four finale of “Lost,” referencing the season three finale). “What do you mean, we can’t win?” is probably one of the smarter things that Erica has said lately, and while I’m still a bit unsure of why this guy is gunning down resistance fighters for the Vs simply because they healed his daughter, it’s good to have the Fifth Column amping it up a bit to start the revolution. When I first heard about the V soldier, I immediately pictured the alien bounty hunter from “The X-Files,” and I sort of wish that the V soldier had been played by Brian Thompson. Regardless, he’s still pretty fearsome, and barely blinking after Kyle drops an axe into his chest is a sign that this guy is for real. Anna assigning Chad to go after the Fifth Column is a cool direction for the show, and I’m curious where Chad’s allegiances will ultimately lie since at this point it’s unclear. The most exciting development, by far, is Lisa telling Tyler that he shouldn’t join the live-aboard program. Since she’s going against her mother’s wishes, it seems apparent that she is developing true feelings for Tyler, and she sees how pained his mother would be if Tyler were to live on the ship. Having Valerie break off ties, at least for the moment, with Ryan is a good step because having her around would just have slowed them down, and now they can focus on what they need to do: take down Anna.

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