Friday, June 11, 2010

Round Two: The Good Guys

The Good Guys: Season 1, Episode 2 “Bait and Switch” (F)

In the second installment of this cop comedy series that premiered several weeks ago, not much has changed. Dan is still trying to seduce every woman he comes into contact with, climbing into bed with one witness to help solve a crime and hitting on the rest. Jack also gets some action, as what turns out to be a traitorous cop asks him out on a date to find out just how he and Dan were able to figure out the big picture without any resources from the department. It’s clear that there’s going to be a definitive format to how these episodes work, pitting the two cops as constantly under-funded for their exploits, yet somehow always able to piece together the puzzle and solve some major crime. What didn’t work in episode one still doesn’t work here. The accents from Bradley Whitford and Jenny Wade are still horrendous and completely unreliable. The gunshots aren’t as bad, but that’s probably simply because I had the volume turned down. The chronological mess in which the story is presented doesn’t actually enhance anything, and while the story isn’t nearly complex enough for it to be confusing, it’s more annoying than anything else. Dan’s complete lack of knowledge about anything having to do with computers feels a million times more outdated than it did last episode. Dan saying that computers can’t get sick and essentially challenging a computer to a duel are scenes that probably looked good on paper, but end up being unbearable when played out on screen.

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