Thursday, August 5, 2010

AFT Awards: Best Directing for a Comedy Series

This is the fifteenth category of the 4th Annual AFT Television Awards, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. This year, semi-finalists are included to recognize more of the impressive work being done on television today. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Directing for a Comedy Series

Last year’s nominees: Chuck (Chuck Versus the First Date), Chuck (Chuck Versus the Colonel), Monk (Mr. Monk’s 100th Case), Parks and Recreation (Rock Show), Weeds (I Am the Table)

Emmy nominees: Glee (Pilot), Glee (Wheels), Modern Family (Pilot), Nurse Jackie (Pilot), 30 Rock (I Do Do)

Honorable mentions: Better Off Ted (Jabberwocky), Californication (The Apartment), Californication (So Here's the Thing...), Californication (Wish You Were Here), Chuck (Chuck Versus Operation Awesome), Modern Family (En Garde), Modern Family (Family Portrait), Modern Family (Fears), The Office (The Delivery), Parks and Recreation (The Hunting Trip), Parks and Recreation (The Practice Date), Parks and Recreation (The Stakeout), Parks and Recreation (The Telethon), Royal Pains (TB or Not TB), Ugly Betty (Hello Goodbye), White Collar (Pilot)

The nominees:

Chuck (Chuck Versus the Beard)
Glee (Showmance)
Modern Family (Pilot)
Parks and Recreation (The Practice Date)

The first episode of “Modern Family” introduced its signature segmenting style and camera interviews. The second episode of “Glee” cemented its status as the breakout hit of the season, weaving together its characters’ back stories impressively. The game-changing episode of “Chuck” was presented in an exciting and adventurous manner. The most frantic episode of “Parks and Recreation” was just as well-coordinated as Leslie wanted her night to be.

The winner:
The Office (Niagara)
Despite a few interruptions, Jim and Pam’s wedding was beautiful, and the way it was filmed was a big part of why. From their private ceremony out on the water to the “Forever” dance at the church, it was an event to remember.

Next up: Best Writing for a Comedy Series

1 comment:

  1. Can't argue much with the winner, although I still think "Niagara" was maybe the fifth-best episode this season for "The Office". The entire "Forever" dance scene just didn't work for me. Everything else, great (especially Dwight boasting about his device for taking meat out of a living horse, which disturbed me as much as it made me laugh).
