Wednesday, August 4, 2010

AFT Awards: Best Writing for a Drama Series

This is the fourteenth category of the 4th Annual AFT Television Awards, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. This year, semi-finalists are included to recognize more of the impressive work being done on television today. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Writing for a Drama Series

Last year’s nominees: Battlestar Galactica (The Oath), Rescue Me (Perspective), The Shield (Family Meeting), True Blood (Strange Love), True Blood (You’ll Be the Death of Me)

Emmy nominees: Friday Night Lights (The Son), The Good Wife (Pilot), Lost (The End), Mad Men (Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency), Mad Men (Shut the Door, Have a Seat)

Honorable mentions: Breaking Bad (Sunset), Dollhouse (Getting Closer), The Good Wife (Hybristophilia), Justified (Bulletsville), Sons of Anarchy (Culling), Sons of Anarchy (Service), Treme (I’ll Fly Away)

The nominees:

Breaking Bad (Full Measure)
Dexter (Hungry Man)
Flash Forward (No More Good Days)
Justified (Pilot)

Two pilots were extremely innovative in very different ways, presenting the whole world with a brief glimpse of their future and an anachronistic lawman seeking to preserve justice as if he lived in the Wild West. The season finale of “Breaking Bad” was shocking in terms of the lows it saw its characters sink to, and the dialogue was completely captivating. The Thanksgiving episode of “Dexter” took a familiar family gathering and turned expectations inside out with the intersection of its most fervently interesting characters.

The winner:
Mad Men (Shut the Door, Have a Seat)
The season finale rebooted the show and sent in a completely unexpected direction, seamlessly and brilliantly reinventing a show that wasn’t even in need of reinvention and making it seem perfectly logical and positive.

Next up: Best Directing for a Comedy Series

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