Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice (Summer Finale)

Burn Notice: Season 4, Episode 12 “Guilty as Charged” (B+)

It’s a good thing that, however angry he may be, Jesse doesn’t become violent upon realizing who his friends really are. Now, while shooting Michael might seem like a violent thing to do, he was only exercising what Michael himself would surely describe as the “shoot the hostage” strategy in order to save him. Still, seeing Jesse react so coldly to both Fiona and Madeleine’s pleas for leniency and assistance isn’t overly pleasant. This end of the summer season leaves things pretty much in pieces, as Vaughn has proved to be yet another double-crosser, even if he wasn’t actually trying to kill Michael, merely failing to adhere to their agreed-upon terms and therefore wrecking the whole Barrett operation. Robert Patrick is certainly a worthwhile villain (anyone who has seen “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” can tell you that), and it’s unclear based on the car crash at the end how much of a role he’ll have to play in the future. It’s uncertain even if he’s still alive, and whatever was in the briefcase that was taken is likely more valuable than both of their lives. It was quite intense to see Michael react so brashly, bleeding to death and determining that his best move was to flip the car over and free himself from Barrett’s clutches, even if he only injured himself more. The last time “Burn Notice” took a break, Michael ended up in a mysterious room after being arrested. Now, he’s losing a whole lot of blood and just as back to square one as ever, having lost Jesse’s friendship and Vaughn’s cooperation. It’s been a fun season; I’m curious what the show’s November return has in store for Michael and the gang.

Season grade so far: B+
Season MVP: Jeffrey Donovan


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