Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 4, Episode 11 “Blind Spot” (B+)

Though I kept acknowledging it, the end of this half of the season really snuck up on me. Jesse’s discovery of Michael’s duplicity at the very end of the episode was a long time coming but still came as quite as a serious shock. He didn’t kill Fiona or take her hostage, which is good, but he is definitely angry and he is certainly coming for Michael soon. They were working so well together in this episode that his sudden violent turn really throws things for a loop. Michael also seemed to think that Jesse didn’t suspect anything since he let him go in his place to help Fiona out rather than stay and babysit their captive. Jesse has been a fine addition to the cast, and imagining the show without him is only slightly less exciting because it features fewer cast members. The core four are absolutely capable of getting stuff done all by themselves, as evidenced by the number of jobs taken on recently by Fiona and Sam as personal favors for friends. Madeleine’s exit from the group dynamic is only a temporary one, and if Jesse departs due to imprisonment, death, or self-imposed isolation, he’ll be swapped out for the returning Madeleine. This season more than past ones seems to have underused its primary liaison to the people who got Michael burned and instead favored giving Jesse much more to do. I think that’s fine since Vaughn didn’t seem all that interesting, and ultimately, as I’m sure next week’s episode will prove, this show is really about Michael, Fiona, Sam, and Madeleine.

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