Thursday, August 19, 2010

What I’m Watching: Entourage

Entourage: Season 6, Episode 7 “Tequila and Coke” (B+)

I do feel bad for Ari. After he came as close as he can to groveling and actually putting effort into a situation rather than just yelling at someone, he managed to convince his enemy to back down, only to have the information leaked by someone else. We didn’t get to see much of the fallout aside from the beginnings of the dissolution of the NFL project, but things are certainly not going to be good for Ari from here on out. I’ll make note once again of Jeremy Piven’s dramatic abilities that work extremely well in his (rarer) more serious scenes. Vince is continuing to ruin his career without knowing it by mixing painkillers with a porn star girlfriend and not taking care of himself. Sasha is going to be on her way out soon, I’d imagine, and Vince can hopefully get himself back on track. It’s fun to see Turtle operating as such a great salesman, and it’s a shame that his suppliers can’t back him up when he promises fifty cases of the good stuff to a vendor. Mark Wahlberg’s cameo was very amusing, and I like that the executive producer enjoys stopping by his show from time to time. Billy Walsh’s new idea is actually brilliant, but Drama’s stubbornness and allergy to animation will likely stall the project for some time, even if the rest of the crew is on board. It’s interesting to see all of the characters on this show shuffle around and interact with one another, and this series handles it better than you’d expect.

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