Friday, August 13, 2010

What I’m Watching: Hung

Hung: Season 2, Episode 6 “Beaverland” (B+)

It’s no surprise that a show that often includes multiple quotes in its episode titles would have so many great quotes. Tanya’s frustrated reaction to Ray not liking the idea of Mike being in on their business was a perfect summary of the way their lives are currently headed: “You and me, we’re with no one, and I think it’s time we ask ourselves why.” Unfortunately, Tanya really doesn’t have too hopeful an episode, having Charlie buy her a nice gift and then having her spirits crushed by her mother and her horrible friends. It was great to see this week’s token guest star, Merrin Dungey, who used to play Sydney’s best friend Francie on “Alias” and has more recently been seen on shows like “Better Off Ted” and “Summerland.” Her character had an interesting plot, and I enjoyed Ray trying to help her like sex. I loved Ray’s reaction to Jessica telling him his shirt was inside out (“So?”), and him helping her with the beaver proved to be a thoroughly entertaining plotline. Lenore is getting less and less screen time, but each moment is still just as fantastic. “You don’t trust me anymore” / “I never trusted you” was a great exchange that does a superb job of summarizing their close-distant relationship. What’s more intriguing is that Tanya is really the one operating without cluing in Lenore, and I’m quite curious as to how she’d react if she found out about the odd couple that is Moby Dick and Mike. Seeing Ray try to figure out what made Mike more appealing than him was very amusing as well.

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