Thursday, August 12, 2010

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 4, Episode 3 “The Good News” (A-)

While it’s somewhat hard to get into the mindset of New Year’s Eve smack dab in the middle of the summer, this is one stellar episode. This episode only really features three main characters, but it does wonders for them. One is the lead, another is someone we haven’t seen much of in a while, and the other is one about whom he knew barely anything. Don going back home as Dick Whitman and being so honest with Mrs. Draper about Betty finding out about his secret life was very intriguing, and I loved some of the lines uttered on the West Coast, like “Can’t I just be single?” and “You’re just a man, in a room, with a checkbook.” Don stepping in to defend and protect Mrs. Draper was a nice show of compassion, however heartbreaking it ended up being. Don going back to spend New Year’s Eve with Lane was absolutely fantastic. The start of their night out was serious – “I can’t take any more bad news” / “It’s been a magnificent year” – and turned equally entertaining and insightful. It’s so fantastic to peek into Lane’s life, starting with his moody, impolite reaction to Joan’s request for time off after asking if he preferred a breast or a thigh (“I’m the exception to your charm”). The mix-up with the flowers sent to Joan and to his wife resulted in Joan and Lane forgetting their feud and both taking out their anger on the poor, now jobless secretary. It was great that Don asked Lane to accompany him for a movie, an invitation that even spurred a lively debate about what movie to see. Them drinking together helped to make Lane more talkative, and watching his reaction to Don asking him if he wants to invite a lady friend was a fascinating chance to see him out of his comfort zone. Come Emmy time, Jared Harris should definitely submit this episode for consideration. Christina Hendricks was also magnificent, crying after she hurt herself and Greg stitched her up but it still hurt. (I also just realized that Greg is Sam from “Desperate Hosuewives,” played by Sam Page). The episode went out in excellent style – “Alright, gentlemen, shall we begin 1965?”

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