Monday, August 23, 2010

What I’m Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 6, Episode 8 “Cowboy” (B+)

This episode started with a surprisingly pleasant scene between Janet and Tommy that seemed like it was going to be the calm before the storm, though I’m not so sure that things are going to explode as much as they threatened to in this hour. Of course Tommy and Sheila can’t end their years-long affair as easily as she stupidly suggested, and the list of problems with Tommy had to be interpreted as a challenge to his manhood rather than an easy out. In a sense, Mickey is actually the most volatile and unstable Gavin family member because he used to be the voice of reason back when he was a priest and then succumbed to the family’s alcoholism and had his life turned upside down. I fear very much what he’ll do with the knowledge he has about Tommy’s latest indiscretion. Needles had a magnificent speech where he yelled and insulted his superior in a major way, and kudos to Adam Ferrera for some brilliant delivery. Damian turning to Franco and Black Shawn for some Yoda advice was fun, and even more unexpected and fantastic was the ensuing scene that followed Penny not even letting him finish his prepared speech before demanding that he take her home (and to bed). I had completely forgotten about Damian’s teacher, and having him get so excited about the thought of lasting one minute by Christmas was pretty hilarious. I loved Penny’s line: “This isn’t homework, you’re going to try this right now.” Sean and Mike really messed up in a big way by taking Pat to see all of the wrong people, but at least he died peacefully in the car reflecting back on his life. He did share one thought-provoking pearl of wisdom during that abysmal experience: “you don’t get to pick who you save.”

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