Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What I’m Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 6, Episode 9 “Goodbye” (B)

I really should start paying attention when my signature shows are about to sign off the air for a while. With only one episode left to go (airing tonight, no less), the show won’t be back on until late next year, presumably to coincide with the ten-year anniversary of September 11th. This penultimate episode certainly prepares for another horrendous kick to the gut, as both Lou and Damien are now in mortal danger in the middle of a fire. As if this show needed something else to be mournful about, but that doesn’t mean it’s not decent drama. I’m a bit confused by the terms of Mickey and Janet’s punishment of Tommy and Sheila, since Janet now seems fully prepared to hop into bed with Tommy as long as he really stops drinking. I let out the biggest sigh of relief when Tommy finally passed the test and poured the alcohol down the drain when Janet offered him a choice between two different drinks. This season has actually been pretty good, and I think what it needs in its final season, and the next episode for that matter, is a centralization of all its storylines and a renewed focus on what it’s like to be a firefighter in New York City, especially as the tenth anniversary of September 11th looms ever closer. Losing Lou would be an appropriate tragedy, while Damien’s untimely death would be far too much to bear, and would likely send Tommy and Mickey spiraling down the drain along with the already-deranged Sheila. Tune in tonight for the season finale, and though this show’s departure is unfortunate, that does mean that “Sons of Anarchy” will be back in this timeslot next week!

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