Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 2, Episode 10 “Whole Lotto Love” (B+)

When the first frame of this episode began in a location other than the Hamptons, I was caught off guard, but I ultimately really liked how this small-town, middle-of-nowhere couple won the lottery and came to the Hamptons to cash in on their newfound fortune, bringing with them their token hometown sensibility that their new neighbors so evidently lack. It’s nice that Hank and Evan take such good care of their clients, and that their services extend to more than just medical care, providing emotional support and plenty of lies about Hamptons etiquette from HankMed’s top CPA. It’s good to see Paige actually caring about Evan despite the horrible timing of his work overload, and the fact that she got so many people to come out for him was really sweet. It could well work out between them, and it’s certainly a less slippery slope than the one Hank’s currently on. The awkwardness between him and Jill is now palpable, and having the bride introduce him to her at the renewal of the vows was painful. It was fun to see Brad William Henke back to his old harmless self as the groom in question after his rather violent, gun-toting stint on the final season of “Lost.” The end of the episode merges together two seemingly unrelated plotlines: that of Boris and that of Eddie. It’s hard to decide which friendly man is actually more treacherous, and I’m sure things are going to get really interesting quite soon as the season approaches its end.

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