Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 3, Episode 9 “Everything is Broken” (B)

There’s something alarming about the sight of a news reporter casually discussing vampire rights on television even before Russell swoops in and tears out his spine before announcing to the American people that vampires are nothing like them and that they should be very, very afraid. It’s easy to forget that this show is supposed to take place in the present, even if cell phones ring occasionally. The supernatural nature of everything makes it seem timeless, and Bill waking up inside Sookie’s dream doesn’t help make it feel any more modern. The sudden inclusion of the AVL and the notion of putting people like Eric on videotaped trial is startling, but it does help to energize this show. The reappearance of Franklin seemed like an about-face in the wrong direction, but his instant shattering into pieces thanks to Jason’s wooden bullets helped seal that plotline off for good pretty quickly. Seeing Jesus and Lafayette get along so well feels foreboding compared to all of the darker, more starkly serious elements on this show, and having Lafayette react to Jesus’ order of a veggie burger with bacon provided a nice moment of levity. Additionally, Hoyt admitting that he hates his new girlfriend to Jessica was pretty funny, although it's sad to see Jessica storm away in tears. It takes a lot to catch Eric off guard, and seeing the female vampire from the AVL do so by telling him he wouldn’t be charged with anything and the matter would be swept under the rug was enthralling. Her reaction to Russell’s televised act of murder put his surprise to shame, however, making things even crazier than they already are on this wild show.

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