Sunday, August 1, 2010

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 2, Episode 3 “Copycat Caffrey” (B+)

This is an extremely fun title for an extremely fun episode. Watching Neal delight at the idea of someone copycatting (I don’t think that’s a word; it didn’t sound right every time it was uttered in this episode) him was just as enjoyable as watching him and Peter take down the class full of students reminiscent of Kevin Spacey’s card-counting gang from “21.” A debate over whether Spacey or Aidan Quinn is more charismatic could last for hours. Since I saw Quinn in the great film “Handsome Harry” earlier this year as a college professor, his casting didn’t surprise me one bit, and I think he was a good choice for the role. What was most entertaining about this episode was having Peter go undercover and pose as the Peacemaker while being fed mob dialogue by Mozzie. His careful softening of the words was reminiscent of Alan Ruck’s famous euphemism of Keanu Reeves’ “Speed” expletive: “Oh, darn.” Initially, this show was just about the two-man team that was Peter and Neal, and besides having the two of them being closer friends, the circle has been expanded. Not only are Diana and Mozzie in on the fun – even Jones gets a chance to role play! My one concern: I worry for Neal’s safety, since he so unsubtly gloats and reveals his complicity every time he helps put a major forger in prison. It seems to me that he’s going to get himself busted before his undercover work even begins one of these days.

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