Monday, August 30, 2010

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 2, Episode 7 “Prisoner’s Dilemma” (B+)

I must say, I am delighted by how Mozzie is being incorporated so much into this season. Having Neal direct Peter and the on-the-run FBI agent to one of his many safehouses is pure genius, and makes for some terrific entertainment. “Me casa as suit casa” is perhaps my favorite line from this show yet. There’s a token devilishness with which Neal accomplishes his many feats, and that excitement at being able to break the law and get away with it is rubbing off on Peter, who goes on the run in this episode despite swearing to Neal that he would never do such a thing only hours earlier. Peter’s desperate call to Neal to help him hotwire a Lamborghini was great, especially because Neal tried to mask his explanation in hypothetical statements and Peter just didn’t have time for that. Elizabeth is now back in the picture, and it’s nice to see just how much she and Mozzie have bonded that he can stop by to explain Peter’s absence and she has no problem receiving him warmly. It seems Mozzie and Neal have also made an important breakthrough in the Kate case, which should hopefully mean that Sara Ellis isn’t far behind in terms of making the same discovery. The revelation that Kate called Fowler shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, but he’s certainly a more compelling FBI baddie than this week’s villain, so bringing him back into the show’s vernacular should help, especially since the show only has two episodes left before it goes on hiatus (presumably) until 2011.

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