Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Round Two: Lone Star (Last Episode)

Lone Star: Season 1, Episode 2 “One in Every Family” (C)

I figured it was worth covering the second episode of this show since the prognosis on its life expectancy is very grim, and wouldn’t you know it, before I even got a chance to write the review, the show has been officially cancelled. I would like to note, before addressing the show’s quality, that axing a show after only two airings is hardly ever justified. It happened to the CW’s “The Beautiful Life” last year, which sort of deserved it, and a few years back, ABC cancelled the Heather Graham starrer “Emily’s Reasons Why Not” after only one airing, taking “Jake in Progress,” which had aired just the premiere of its second season, with it. I disagree with this practice simply because it’s (usually) impossible to know how well a show will be able to develop if such a slim chance is given to test it out. In the case of “Lone Star,” its death is mainly due to the fact that no one watched it, and I would posit that “The Event” will soon lose favor and viewers, and then FOX will have lost one of its programs for nothing. Now, I’m not the biggest proponent of this show, and therefore its defense would better be left to G1000 or most critics who loved the show. I think the series was deeply flawed, and it’s a premise that never could have really worked that well (again, see the comments; I’m sure G1000 can muster a strong argument for its validity). Episode two showed signs of trying to move too fast by threatening Bob’s plan in so many ways, by having him run into someone he conned, having his sister-in-law find his phone, having his new wife call his high school to check up on him, and having his dad hatch a plan to bring down his operation. Though I imagine a DVD release will eventually happen, I’m having a hard time believing that this show could have managed for an entire season, let alone longer than that. If you believe otherwise, please, take to the comments!

1 comment:

  1. R.I.P. "Lone Star". And goodbye, quality network programming. This was the one show (besides "The Event") that didn't follow a cookie-cutter formula, and that's part of the reason I've been rating it so highly. I also think the show was fantastically well-written and well-acted, though. I'm not sure how they would have sustained the premise over multiple seasons, but I was willing to give the show the beneift of the doubt considering how strong I thought it was. Oh, well. I'll just have to wait for season 4 of "Mad Men" to arrive on DVD for my fix of good, smart drama.
