Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What I'm Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 5, Episode 5 “First Blood” (B+)

I really like how the episodes from this and last season are framed by Dexter's relationship with his newborn child. His concern about Harrison scratching other kids and already being a pro at covering his tracks at such a young age was amusing, and I like how his dramatic defense of Harrison - “there's nothing wrong with my son” - was followed by Harrison scratching him, resulting in a hilarious yelp from Dexter. While Dexter struggles with the idea of having brought another murderer into the world, we're getting the chance to see some of the much-touted guest stars announced a while back as appearing in this season. I was delighted to see Katherine Moennig, who portrayed the iconic Shane on “The L Word,” as the tattoo artist with the hots for Deb, especially since she was so miserably wasted on CBS' short-lived medical drama “Three Rivers” last year. Unfortunately, I was disappointed that she only appeared in one fleeting scene, and I hope she'll be back for another round once Quinn's true intentions are revealed (he and Dexter really hate each other, so that's about to explode for sure). The other new guest was Peter Weller as the corrupt cup taken down by Laguerta and vowing revenge in his collusion with Quinn, which should prove intriguing at the very least. I'm losing interest rapidly in all of Laguerta and Batista's marriage problems, and I'd much rather see what Lumen is going to do now that she's decided to stay in Miami.

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