Saturday, October 2, 2010

What I'm Watching: The Good Wife (Season Premiere)

The Good Wife: Season 2, Episode 1 “Taking Control” (B+)

I'm starting off this season on a much more positive note than I did at this time last year when the show debuted. The characters have grown on me, and I think the show has also become a very strong drama. This premiere is packed full of major developments and happenings, and I'm feeling pretty pumped for this season. The addition of Michael Ealy, who made his big debut on “Sleeper Cell” and recurred on “Flash Forward,” as the new ranking partner, is a good one, and I'm interested to see how his relationship with both Diane and Will progresses. Alicia's relationship with Will is also pretty fascinating, and Eli's meddling when it comes to voicemails is sure to come back to haunt everyone. I enjoyed the fact that Alicia got defensive (no pun intended) when the judge forcibly assigned her to the case, and it was fun to see Peter come into the courtroom just as she made her awesome arguments. Kalinda's rivalry with her new peer investigator, Scott Porter of “Friday Night Lights,” is quite entertaining, and it's very good to have the newly-minted Emmy winner back. It's interesting that Cary seems to be remaining on board as a full-time cast member, and that should prove quite intriguing since he's now Childs' number one go-to guy for all things related to bringing down Alicia. While this show may still be a procedural, it has compelling characters and engaging plotlines, so therefore I'm excited to stick with it now.

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