Thursday, November 25, 2010

Golden Globe Musings: Best Actress in a TV Series – Comedy/Musical

Golden Globe nominations for this year will be announced in just a few weeks, so here’s a survey of the contenders and the most likely predictions at this time. Weigh in with your thoughts, and let me know if I’ve left off anyone important. A reminder that last year’s nominees mean zilch at the Globes and that the race is almost entirely unpredictable.

Last year’s nominees:
Toni Collette (The United States of Tara)
Courteney Cox (Cougar Town)
Edie Falco (Nurse Jackie)
Tina Fey (30 Rock)
Lea Michele (Glee)

New contenders:
Laura Linney (The Big C)
Martha Plimpton (Raising Hope)

Potential first-time nominees:
Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation)

This category isn’t too hard to predict. Barring any big surprises, Laura Linney swoops in and takes Cox’s spot. Amy Poehler could also figure into the race, but her show not having been on during the later half of this year definitely hurts. Beyond that, this category shouldn’t be too interesting.

Current predictions:
Toni Collette
Edie Falco
Tina Fey
Laura Linney
Lea Michele

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