Monday, November 29, 2010

What I’m Watching: Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire: Season 1, Episode 10 “The Emerald City” (B+)

Margaret may be fine after last week’s troublesome shooting, but that doesn’t mean matters are calm by any means. I’m glad she’s not dead, of course, because her newfound role in Nucky’s campaign efforts is absolutely fascinating. It was very interesting to watch her get up on stage after proclaiming she was nervous and spew out exactly the same kind of speech Nucky tends to give, and with the same gusto, no less. Nucky involving her so directly in his business is extremely intriguing, especially considering the depravity of the rest of his work-related affairs. Her willingness to accept a celebratory glass of champagne surprised me as well, indicating the level to which she is being drawn in by Nucky. The almost offhand execution of Nucky’s would-be assassin by Jimmy is rather alarming, but it’s nothing compared to Chalky’s hands-on strangulation. Rothstein is a bitter enemy for Nucky, and I’m certain that their feud is only going to get worse and take more lives as it runs its course. In terms of frightening shows of authority, the reaction to Al’s prank takes the cake. The best moment of the episode, in my opinion, was the congregant at the Bar Mitzvah speaking to Al and asking him why he wears the cap of a boy - truly superb writing. Nelson’s definitely spiraling out of control, and though he may have some twisted endgame in sight, allowing himself to order some alcohol and give in to his temptations is not a good thing. He’s on his own in this whole investigation enough as it is, and taking solo risks is going to make his eventual confrontation with Nucky even messier.

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