Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 7, Episode 8 “Sorry Grateful” (C+)

We’re at that point in the season where all but one plotline seem to be headed nowhere interesting, or nowhere at all in some cases. I’m most fed up with the three-way relationship between Renee, Lynette, and Susan, and I wish that more time would be spent on something actually intriguing, like the dangerous dynamic between Tom and Renee. New characters are supposed to come and bring drama of their own rather than just a hatred for all things under the age of eighteen. Beth is certainly doing her share, as she starts becoming attached to Paul and her mother freaks out in prison and decides that she has to take her own offspring down along with the man who murdered her sister. I was very annoyed by the arrest and likely deportation of Hector since an illegal immigrant living in the United States undetected for a number of years wouldn’t risk it all by driving in the breakdown lane to beat traffic, even with Gaby shrieking at him from the passenger seat. I worry that the potential adoption Grace will be another Kayla all over again, and that’s not something the show needs at all. The fact that Bree might enter into yet another marriage is a bit much to take, and I’m confused by the creepy flirtation of Keith’s father. He seems charming enough, but I don’t think that Bree needs to go down a gender-switched “Something’s Gotta Give” path. This show is taking the next two weeks off, and I hope its pre-Christmas return will be more on target than the last few episodes.

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