Friday, November 19, 2010

What I’m Watching: In Treatment

In Treatment: Season 3, Episodes 13-16 “Week Four” (B+)

There’s plenty of meaty material this week, and it’s well spread out among the four sessions. I found Sunil’s fourth week to be the most intriguing and engaging so far, as he tried to shift the conversation away from and back to his dream in order to get out of talking about his once-upon-a-time romance. He really is the calmest and most level-headed of all of Paul’s patients, and very much like an equal for him. I think that Alex and Walter came closest to filling that role in the past, and especially when Adele questions the format of their sessions, it’s clear that Paul really does like Sunil, adding that he feels he may have actually helped him. Frances inviting Paul to her performance and then getting angry when he declines is reminiscent of the past mistakes and indiscretions Paul has had with clients like Laura. Jesse’s discussion about his parents and the way he contradicts himself and always gets caught by Paul was riveting as always. After this, it’s always fascinating to see Paul fall prey to the same predictable avoidances and missed connections that his own patients do. I enjoyed seeing his surprise and excitement at Adele actually answering one of the questions he asked her. It was also very nice to see Mae Whitman return as Rose, all grown up and fully aware of her the situation with her parents. I’m glad they didn’t recast both of the kids who are now on “Parenthood” since Whitman delivered a very mature performance that’s quite different from her role on the newer NBC drama.

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