Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Golden Globe Nominees: Best Mini-Series or Made-for-TV Movie

My predictions: 3/5, missing “Carlos” and “The Pillars of the Earth”
Who’s missing: “Return to Cranford,” “Luther,” “The Special Relationship”

I really should start watching more miniseries. Both Carlos and The Pillars of the Earth performed well, joining Emmy champ The Pacific. On the TV movie end, we have Temple Grandin and You Don’t Know Jack, leaving out two other TV films nominated elsewhere, “Return to Cranford” and “The Special Relationship.” I had predicted “The Walking Dead” to be a sixth nominee here, but instead it ended up in the Best Drama Series category. If you’ve seen any of these nominated programs (I’ve only seen “The Pacific”), please feel free to offer commentary.

Who could win? I think The Pacific can eclipse “Temple Grandin.”

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