Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 4, Episode 15 “Brotherly Love” (B+)

While this show has a terrific ensemble, it is still a small cast and it’s nice to have a fresh (or familiar) face thrown in there every once in a while to spice things up. The addition of Jesse has allowed for more partnering up, and bringing Nate into the mix enables even more cooperative spy work, which in turn proves extremely entertaining. What was most fun about Nate being in this episode was that he and Michael posed as the two guys with identical suits and got to pretend like they were tough guys. Seeing Madeline worry about Nate and get on Michael’s case about putting him in danger sort of negates that toughness, which only makes it more amusing. It’s good to see an alumnus of “The Shield” back on television, even if Michael Jace only has a small role as one of the brothers embroiled in the car theft case. Sam and Jesse make for a fun pair as well, walking around the Dominican Republic bribing civilians and making sure there’s money left for beer. Now that Jesse’s animosity towards anyone and everyone on the team seems to have faded, they can get back to the task at hand, which has really been at hand for almost four years now. They’re closer than ever with the acquisition of this list, and seeing Michael go back to being an official spy might not be the worst thing in the world since he would certainly still be effortlessly cool. The show was renewed back in April through its sixth season, so we have plenty more Michael Westen to look forward to.

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