Sunday, December 19, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 2, Episode 9 “Nine Hours” (B+)

I can’t say I’m overly familiar with how legal shows work since I usually steer clear of procedurals, but I must say that this show does an excellent job of throwing around terms and situations and clarifying their meaning without outright defining them. When Alicia, Will, and Diane are all speechless and all ask the same questions, you know something’s up, and this did prove to be quite an intriguing and suspenseful episode (I did find it somewhat silly that they all uniformly kept saying “he phoned” instead of the more colloquial “he called”). On the subject of phones, however, I did enjoy having Kalinda on the line with Will while Alicia was on the phone with the clerk. Alicia’s candid conversation with a less than candid Kalinda was fun, as was Alicia’s attempt to schedule a time to sit down with Will and really get serious about their relationship. Peter’s rather aggressive defense of his privacy during a televised debate was interesting, and it’s worth noting at this point that actor Chris Noth received a surprise Golden Globe nomination for his role here, which I suppose makes sense more so for this season (and the latter half of last year’s) than for the beginning third of the show. I still would prefer to see Josh Charles recognized, as well as Alan Cumming, who was honored with an Emmy nomination in the guest category last year. The show’s ensemble also picked up a well-deserved Screen Actors Guild nomination for the second year in a row, and I think they may well be able to win the award this time around.

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