Thursday, December 23, 2010

What I’m Watching: Human Target

Human Target: Season 2, Episode 6 “The Other Side of the Mall” (B)

This was a peculiar episode, but due to the efforts of everyone involved, it actually worked. John Michael Higgins is not the first person I would think of to guest-star on this show, but his caffeinated, upbeat nature was fun for the role he played. This is the kind of show that doesn’t need to air a special Christmas installment, yet why not try? I enjoyed the various reactions of the team members to the upcoming holiday of Christmas, particularly Chance’s frequent comparisons of overabundant celebrations as “hell” and Winston’s complaining to the client’s wife about how Chance wouldn’t let him decorate the office. I’m tempted to excuse the soapy nature of the son’s romantic problems due to the fact that some level of corny young love and convenient mistletoe placement has to be acceptable during this holiday season. Setting the episode’s big physical confrontation in the mall was entertaining, and having the wife’s lawn play a part in the revelation of danger was fun too. I’m pleased about the way the relationship between Chance and Ilsa is developing, since they seem to have a special bond that, helpful as they are, the other members of the team don’t quite have. I’m saddened to think that this show’s season will be so short for a broadcast series (only thirteen episodes, I believe), but at least we’ll get a double-dose of the show for two weeks in a row when it takes over the 9pm slot as well on January 5th and 12th.

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