Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 1, Episode 11 “All the Way” (B-)

Finally, after ten episodes of stalling, we finally have some major plot developments! Even if the episode isn’t spectacular as a whole, I’d still like to mention the merits that it does have because they do deserve commendation. I loved how this episode combined coordinated explosions set to detonate around Division by Alex with the hilariously over-the-top breaking of her bonds by Nikita, who presumably took some violent and painful revenge on her tormenter Amanda. Jaden’s reaction to seeing Nikita (shouting her name, way to go) was humorous, and it was great that Nikita just took out every single one of the guards who came at her before escaping. So now Alex is still undercover at Division but has just increased her rank to agent, so she’ll be able to go out in the field much more. She’s also had her first kill, though taking out Thom was definitely not what she wanted to do. This is a great episodes to have as the last installment before the show goes on hiatus for the rest of the year since the back half of the season has the potential to be much stronger and much more action-packed, since Jaden has hopefully been left behind with Alex now out in the field, as have Alex’s inhibitions now that she’s killed someone. Michael’s role in ensuing episodes will also likely be changed now that Alex has been promoted, and I’m interested to see how quickly he’s able to piece together her duplicity, as well as where he’ll end up standing when her allegiances are revealed.

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