Thursday, January 13, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 2, Episode 10 “Breaking Up” (B+)

If ever there was an episode that really displayed dirty tricks carried out by lawyers in order to secure a hasty conviction, this is it. And coming from a character who was initially completely detestable and has recently come to be a bit more sympathetic thanks to his intriguing relationship with Kalinda, it’s even more shocking to see just how easily he manipulates the two targets of his case and pits them against each other, only to produce a distinctly unexpected result. Coupled with both Alicia and Will discovering Diane’s betrayal, this is one packed episode full of intensity. I also enjoyed the lighter, entertaining back and forth between the very conservative Jackie and the extremely loose and liberal Owen. But back to the seriousness at hand: Will’s response to Diane’s efforts to clandestinely start her own firm was rather severe, and I’ll be interested to see how that plays out in future episodes. Watching them play tug-of-war over Alicia is intriguing, though it’s obvious (and Diane can tell) that she’ll ultimately side with Will. It was amusing as always to see Blake break into the house only to find Kalinda already sitting down comfortably and chatting with the person that Blake was supposed to interrogate. I do hope that Diane’s potential departure from the firm (which, if it happens, almost certainly won’t mean her departure from the show) won’t mean that she takes Kalinda with her since technically Kalinda is loyal to both Will and Diane while Blake came with Boyd. We’ll see; I’m sure this show won’t be anything short of enthralling in the coming weeks.


  1. Abe, you forgot to give it a grade. Is it a B+, or does this one go up to an A-?

    I'm loving this show by the way. I was a bit indifferent to it in Season 1, but this season has been so intense, I am eager for each new episode.

  2. Oops. It's meant to be a B+. Thanks for reading diligently. I agree completely with your take on the first half of season one, and I'm very eager these days for new episodes, even (and especially) on such a crowded night of TV.
