Thursday, February 3, 2011

What I’m Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 4, Episode 13 “Chuck Versus the Push Mix” (B)

I think the element that I praise least often enough about this show is the music. The score is entirely excellent, and this episode was full of pulsing and pounding music to move the action along. The action itself wasn’t quite as uniformly terrific, though I do like the idea of Chuck assuming his father’s old Orion handle and hacking into Volkoff’s mainframe to deliver a threatening message. What’s a bit disappointing is that Volkoff’s entire organization seemed to topple far too easily, and Sarah was barely undercover for more than a full episode! It was cool to see Casey get taken out, or at least we thought that’s what we saw, only to see him get his revenge on the assassin who tried to smother him. The reactions from both Casey and Ellie to the presence of Jeffster in the hospital were priceless, and easily made for my favorite moments of the episode. This baby has been a long time coming, and now that it’s here, it should give the show something to focus on, especially if Volkoff is no longer a threat and Mama Bartowski, as she’s often referred to on other sites, might be able to take a more active role in her grandchild’s life than she had her in the childhood of her own offspring. Morgan had some good moments here, and it’s great to see Chuck finally pull off the perfect proposal, and there should be plenty of happiness in the future for the extended Bartowski clan, at least until the next big villain emerges.

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