Sunday, February 27, 2011

What I’m Watching: V

V: Season 2, Episode 7 “Birth Pangs” (B+)

I definitely like where this show is headed after last week’s rather invigorating episode. The notion that Erica fiercely wants to be seen and perceived as the official leader of the Fifth Column is pretty awesome. There’s plenty of videoconferencing going on between all the members of the Fifth Column, which is sort of hilarious just as far as images go, and it’s a terrific indicator of their strength and just how much of an impact they can have. Having the V queen’s daughter in your corner certainly helps with that fight, though I’m unsure where the allegiances of her two alien allies, Diana and Joshua, actually lie. It seems two characters who were once important are being considerably less so, and that’s not much of a problem. While I have no problem with Ryan, he doesn’t necessarily need to be around, especially because Erica and Jack, the two most forgiving people on the planet, don’t trust him anymore. I’ve never liked Tyler or felt that he was useful for any purpose, and therefore having him alienate Lisa is a proper step. I would love to see Marcus spring back into action since I like him far more than his replacement, and I’m curious also about what’s going to be done with that leverage that he had over Kyle, especially given the fact that his bomb detonation didn’t actually do anything or get noticed by any members of the Fifth Column. There’s sure to be more action ahead, and I, for one, cannot wait.

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