Monday, May 2, 2011

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 1, Episode 20 “Glass House” (C)

After a strong outing last week, we’re back to some familiar shenanigans that have been dragging this show down since its second episode. Mainly, the way in which the hunt for Nikita works is simply unbelievable and often infuriating. The same is true of checking in with the Guardians, whose ability to go around completely unsupervised, starting families on a whim and removing trackers, mystifies me. Michael meeting agents of Division in a café to debrief them on where Nikita may or may not have spotted seems like the biggest waste of time, not to mention his slow start in locating the Guardian, giving Nikita an enormous window of time within which to find her herself before Michael is even expected to make contact. This week’s Guardian also didn’t impress me much at all until she swiftly took out all of the Division agents, who puzzlingly couldn’t seem to reach their hands to their guns in time to not get killed. Jaden’s stint on the outside certainly didn’t last long, as she just couldn’t help herself from riling up Alex and then lunging at her with a knife. I was somewhat alarmed when Alex made a phone call mentioning Nikita’s name in such an outright and direct manner, and my fears were realized when Amanda revealed that there is one piece of Division operational procedure that actually works and doesn’t waste any time. Things are definitely going to change now that Alex’s cover has been blown, and it may not be long before Michael blows his. Two more episodes to go, and still no news on whether this show will be back for a second season.

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