Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I’m Watching: Treme

Treme: Season 2, Episode 2 “Everything I Do Gonh Be Funky” (B+)

It always feels pretty weird to have a Thanksgiving episode in the middle of May, and there’s not much getting around that. Still, this was a strong episode that firmly established where its characters are in their lives at the moment, with particularly effective shots of each individual or family unit eating Thanksgiving dinner. Seeing Lieutenant Colson eating takeout and Sophia refusing to sit next to her mother at a fancy restaurant dinner was especially affecting. Sophia is definitely headed down a dark road, and the image of her so casually grabbing beers and ignoring her mom’s phone calls were rather disturbing, since she was always an astute, extremely mature girl who will now fall prey to the experience of becoming an adult too early. I got worried when Annie seemed offended about not being invited to Davis’ family’s home for Thanksgiving because I remembered what they were like, but she did quite well, and it was hilarious to see Davis go clubbing with his rather excitable and flirtatious aunt. Davis getting fired from his job is hardly a surprise since he’s been openly flaunting his insubordination. Janette is having a pretty wild boss experience herself, and it’s crazy to see that meticulously-prepared salmon go to waste because the customers just wouldn’t wait. Janette getting robbed was an unfortunate kick in the pants. I’m increasingly curious about Nelson’s activities in New Orleans and his continued positivity and energy that makes him such an irresistible smooth-talker for all his new business partners.

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