Thursday, May 19, 2011

What I’m Watching: Treme

Treme: Season 2, Episode 4 “Santa Claus, Do You Ever Get the Blues?” (B+)

Here we are with another holiday celebration airing half a year from when the holiday actually occurs, yet the episode still manages to capture the spirit of the festivity, specific to the way it’s celebrated in New Orleans. Things have developed from random tourists coming to see the aftermath of Katrina to trained filmmakers traveling down to document Albert and the creation of his new suit, something which still seems somewhat sensational but at least has some intellectual backing behind it. I noted last week that I love it when characters with which we’re intimately familiar get a chance to meet, and this week showed that once again. For the second week in a row, it’s Janette who gets to meet a member of Albert’s family as they hit it off in the club. Janette totally ruled this episode, garnering the ultimate revenge on the insane chef by netting him a bad review by splashing cognac in the critic’s face. Hopefully Janette can find something productive to do with her time now that she’s out of a job. It’s easy to see how some people flounder in unfortunate careers, like Antoine, currently stuck as an assistant music teacher in a school without instruments or insular roofing. Annie, however, seems to be having a bit of luck, though that interaction with the manger was mighty awkward. Davis’ attempt to build an eclectic and diverse album is rather hilarious, but what else could we expect from him and his crazy aunt Mimi?

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