Monday, June 27, 2011

Emmy Predictions: Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Thursday, July 14th. Please refer to my Emmy musings for this category for a detailed analysis of the contenders, and, as always, chime in below in the comments with any thoughts of your own.

Last year’s nominees: Kyle Chandler, Bryan Cranston, Matthew Fox, Michael C. Hall, Jon Hamm, Hugh Laurie

The competition: With Fox and Cranston, who won this award the past three years, out of the running, the race is considerably more open than it’s been in recent years. Both Jon Hamm (Mad Men) and Michael C. Hall (Dexter) are frontrunners after having strong seasons, and the number one challenger for the win will be newcomer Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire), who won both the Golden Globe and the SAG Award this past year. Hugh Laurie (House) should return with his sixth nomination, and Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights) stands a good chance of making the cut again. Fighting for the final slot are a variety of contenders, some from new shows and some from returning shows, including Timothy Olyphant (Justified), Gabriel Byrne (In Treatment), William H. Macy (Shameless), Peter Krause (Parenthood), and Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead). Olyphant’s show was even more well-reviewed this year, and Byrne has been nominated both times his show was eligible in the past, so they’re at the head of the pack. Tom Selleck (Blue Bloods) and Sean Bean (Game of Thrones) might also garner some votes.

The predicted nominees: Buscemi, Chandler, Hall, Hamm, Laurie, and Olyphant

The predicted winner: Buscemi

Next up: Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series

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