Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Fall Preview: Suburgatory

For the past few years, I’ve wanted to do a summer feature where I took a look at one upcoming show each week. Come back every Friday for a new Fall Preview, and suggest an upcoming show to be featured if you’re looking forward to it!

Suburgatory – Wednesdays at 8:30pm (ABC)

I noted last week that most of this fall’s comedic fare looks awful, and I’m therefore pleased to find another show besides “Up All Night” that at least looks it has some potential. This is the replacement for “Better With You” in ABC’s Wednesday night comedy lineup, and it looks like it’s going to be considerably edgier and somewhat more in line with the other shows aired in that block. Star Jane Levy looks like she has just the right attitude for this kind of part, and I didn’t even recognize her as the same actress who plays Mandy on “Shameless.” I’m very excited to see what she does as a lead. The others members of the cast featured in the trailer – Jeremy Sisto from “Six Feet Under” and Cheryl Hines from “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” who previously starred together in “Waitress” – look well-suited for their parts as well. I’m also thrilled to see Alan Tudyk from “Firefly” and Allie Grant from “Weeds” rounding out the ensemble. As someone who has watched hundreds of shows over the past five or so years, it’s fun to see actors return to television in new shows. I think this show looks like a solidly constructed and entertaining riff on popularity and suburbia, and I’m looking forward to it.

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