Friday, June 10, 2011

Round Two: Franklin & Bash

Franklin & Bash: Season 1, Episode 2 “She Came Upstairs to Kill Me” (C)

I’ll allow for the fact that this show is quite entertaining. It’s absolutely preposterous, sure, but it’s just the kind of show that might be a lot of fun in an under-populated early summer season. To take this show seriously would be a disservice since it takes away the fun of it, and for the moment, I’m willing to let some of the silliness slide. Reed Diamond’s Damien is becoming a horrific nuisance with his constant childish comments about the skills of the firm’s newest additions. What makes that work, of course, is the excitable spirit with which Franklin and Bash respond to his claims and insult him right back. Splitting the show between their antics at the firm and their out-of-office research with Carmen and Pindar seems to work well, and allows for some smart multitasking and coverage of multiple cases. I always love seeing Natalie Zea of “Dirty Sexy Money,” and, though it didn’t offer her much to do, the part of a woman accused of killing her husband by having too much sex with him felt perfect for her. Fred Willard was interesting in a slightly more serious role than he usually takes, and I like how the old guy joke ended up being a prominent factor in the outcome of the case. I also enjoyed seeing Thomas F. Wilson, best known as Biff from “Back to the Future,” as the scorned spiritual adviser who definitely did not believe Franklin’s story about his wife giving birth to his child.

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