Saturday, June 11, 2011

Round Two: Love Bites

Love Bites: Season 1, Episode 2 “How To…” (C+)

I’m not sure what to make of this episode. It’s definitely entertaining, but it’s so all over the place, and very little of that has to do with the fact that it’s supposed to be segmented. Krysten Ritter is gone and replaced by another uniquely charming actress, Michelle Tratchtenberg, in yet another plotline that doesn’t give Becki Newton a thing to do. It’s interesting to see Bret Harrison play a full-on jerk since he’s usually someone perceived poorly who’s actually trying to be a good guy. I liked the fact that Sapphire and the banana bread served as episode-long connections, even if their presence in the first storyline was a bit too literal. It was fun to see Frances Conroy and Kurtwood Smith as the parents of a gay son both trying to be accepting in their own ways, and that storyline was decently effective. The third plot didn’t do much for me, for several reasons. I don’t buy Greg Grunberg as anything but a nice guy, and to think that he would be fantasizing about another woman while in bed with his wife doesn’t track. I’m also disappointed by the fact that Pamela Adlon has been replaced by Constance Zimmer in the role of Colleen since I found the “Californication” actress to be much more believable and entertaining. I am hopeful about the remaining episodes, however, since bringing in guest stars every week should allow for the possibility of some standout storylines and installments that bring in new and interesting characters.

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