Sunday, June 26, 2011

What I’m Watching: Love Bites

Love Bites: Season 1, Episode 4 “Sky High” (C-)

This episode just did not do it for me at all. None of the three plotlines worked terribly well, and I don’t quite understand the purpose of both the first and the third vignettes featured this week. Judd and Colleen getting high and then having to go to Judd’s godson’s christening wasn’t funny at all, and I do wish that they were featured much less prominently, as the far superior Becki Newton has been for so many episodes now. Arguing that pregnant women should be given the same parking privileges as handicapped people isn’t enough material for this talented actress, and connecting her tangentially to her niece is not an effective use of her abilities. Though it was certainly heartwarming, the story of the freshman boy being a sloppy kisser and ultimately going for his female best friend was highly predictable and extremely over-the-top, particularly when it came to him running into her classroom and making out with her. The third plot, set in space, was completely dumb and a superb example of what happens when you find good cast members and don’t know what to do with them. All three of these guys are from other NBC Universal projects, Eddie McClintock from “Warehouse 13,” Ken Jeong from “Community,” and Old Spice Guy Isaiah Mustafa, who guest starred on “Chuck” this past season. Their astronaut plotline was extremely thin, uninteresting, and entirely unfunny. These guys could have done a whole lot better, and so can this show. This installment was definitely the worst thus far.

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