Thursday, June 9, 2011

What I’m Watching: Treme

Treme: Season 2, Episode 7 “Carnival Time” (B+)

There’s nothing like good old-fashioned New Orleans tradition to deliver an outstanding episode of this show. It’s a mix of good and bad for the various characters in this episode, some having an absolutely serene time while others are rather miserable. Annie’s adventure is perhaps the most interesting, and it’s fun to see her worry that perhaps she may have gotten in over her head. Davis intersecting with Sophia is a nice touch, especially considering that girl is really headed down a dark path (and of course he wouldn’t think to actively try to get in touch with her extraordinarily worried mother). Toni scattering the ashes all by herself, hoping to see her daughter appear, was a rather heartbreaking sight. Antoine being a good father was a rare treat, and that final shot of him and the boys on the couch was endearing. Sonny being taken away from New Orleans for the parade was sad, but ultimately, it’s going to serve him better in helping to put his life back together. It’s wonderful that this new job is working out so well for Janette that Mardi Gras is given to her as a day off, during which she can experience the delights of dining in the restaurant in which she works. After a tense opening scene with the concealed gun, it’s great that Colson was able to close the night by declaring it the least deadly Mardi Gras in a long time, with just one murder not even related to the parade

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