Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What I’m Watching: Treme

Treme: Season 2, Episode 10 “That’s What Lovers Do” (B+)

On the heels of last week’s tragic ending, the episode-long tribute to Harley was predictably heartfelt and executed in true musical style. We saw a lot of emotion from Annie, a character who has usually only been portrayed through her relationship with either Sonny or Davis. It was particularly moving to see her hypnotized by the song in the bar as Davis watched over her in the background and betrayed to learn that Harley’s Texas twang wasn’t anywhere near real. Antoine had plenty of headaches in this episode as well, first getting into it with Ladonna after she got mad at him for finally paying alimony and then getting quit on mid-gig after interrupting the vocalist’s solo. His “stage persona” is getting him into trouble with the missus as well, though it’s not like this is much of a surprise for the philandering Antoine we saw last season, and at least now he can paid full fare for his cab rides – with generous one dollar tip included. I’m relieved to see that Sophia is finally making smart decisions in her new job at the coffee shop, judging that it would probably be irresponsible to lock up the joint for a few minutes to go smoke in the back with some musicians. Janette is also having success, introducing Southern dishes to her restaurant’s menu, and the recording went much smoother in New Orleans, and not just in Albert’s opinion. Unfortunately, Toni isn’t making progress in her case, and Colson isn’t having much luck in his new position, but with each other’s help, they’ll get there.

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