Thursday, June 23, 2011

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 3, Episode 3 “Deadline” (B+)

It’s fun to get a bit of a peek into the lives of one of the less featured characters on any show, and it’s a great chance for Marsha Thomason and Diana to shine. While I’m usually against characters being given crutches to speak in their native dialects (Michelle Ryan in “Bionic Woman” is perhaps the most grievous instance), having Thomason pretend like she is from Manchester was very well-incorporated into the story. Jayne Atkinson was a good choice to play the less-than-patient Helen, and I like how Peter and the FBI were incorporated into that storyline, especially with Peter commandeering the robot gift for Helen’s son. Diana having Helen take the handcuffs out of her purse was a nice touch, and I like how Helen came in and asked her to come back to work for her. The dinner party was a blast, and it was nice to meet Diana’s girlfriend and see her get along so well with Neal (and have Naomi yell at him for using contraband cheese). Neal’s delivery of “People always say they’re going to get together and then they never do” was perfect, and I like the idea of him and Sara as a functional couple. Sara telling Mozzie “We are in a room” was a highlight of the episode, as was Neal getting Peter obsessed with trying to peel apart paper. Regardless of the content of each episode, it seems that this season will always come back to Mozzie and Neal’s efforts not to get caught, and the early departure of the list puts a definite snag in that.

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