Thursday, July 14, 2011

Emmy Nominees: Best Drama Series

My predictions: 5/6, picking “The Walking Dead” over “Game of Thrones”

Here we are with a fantastic lineup for the six best drama shows of the year. I’m not personally a fan of Friday Night Lights, but I can celebrate its inclusion with those who have been championing it for the past four years. Game of Thrones is a fun freshman choice, especially since it improved considerably after a slow start and got really, really good by season’s end. “The Killing” fared well elsewhere, while “The Walking Dead” didn’t make much of a mark. Boardwalk Empire obviously made it in, joining season five of Dexter, season two of The Good Wife, and season four of Mad Men.

What should win? Great choices all around – decision TBA!
What will win? Probably “Boardwalk Empire,” though it could still be “Mad Men” again

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