Monday, July 11, 2011

Round Two: Necessary Roughness

Necessary Roughness: Season 1, Episode 2 “Anchor Management” (C+)

I’d like to say that this episode is an improvement over the first episode, but there are still a few kinks the show needs to work out before it can stand alongside USA’s other fare. Dani remains a character who’s not necessarily inconsistent but also not a superb lead, prone to her own insecurities in a way that would likely give prospective patients pause about her clinical abilities. Her sudden realization of what was ailing the anchor was also a bit sloppily handled, as flashbacks are often unnecessary if they don’t do anything to enhance the story (and Brenda has plenty of those such epiphanies on “The Closer” each week without visual aids). Her frequent fantasies about giving in to the temptation presented by her work associate are considerably more entertaining, which made her lackluster dating experience all the more disappointing. Her parenting style isn’t too reliable, as she tries to show her nonchalance by failing to punish her daughter for having someone pose as her boyfriend when she requested to meet him. Especially considering Trent seems like a decent guy and knew about Lindsay’s deception, it seems odd that he wouldn’t have just come as himself in the first place. It does cement Lindsay as one of the world’s worst daughters, and therefore the lack of consequences for her actions is frustrating. T.K. seems like far too much of a loose cannon, but I suppose it’s good that Dani’s thinking of smart ways to keep him in line and that people are actually listening to her.

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