Monday, July 18, 2011

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 5, Episode 4 “No Good Deed” (B+)

This is a prime example of how this new format works extraordinarily well, with Michael taking time for side mission without it distracting from his CIA job, only to find that Max has been shot in his absence. I did enjoy the banter between Max and Michael, with our favorite protagonist being told that he’s a nut for being obsessed with the people who burned him and Max making up a fake gas to scare the maintenance man, and I’ll miss the recently deceased Max, especially since he was only around for a short time. Michael realizing he was being framed as blanks were shot at him was a stark wake-up call to the fact that the honeymoon is over, and now Michael is back to being on the run, as evidenced by the return of his token sunglasses at the end of the episode. He and his team still do great work though, stepping in to help Barry’s brother as he nearly ruins the lives of hundreds of teachers. The big guy throwing Sam and Jesse through a wall, only to be shot in crotch by Fiona, was rather more violent than this show usually gets, and it’s not often that Michael himself gets tranquilized and put directly in harm’s way. I liked Sam’s cool idea of creating a simple reason why an alarm might be tripped so that people wouldn’t bother to check for the real crime, and Jesse’s reassembly of the shredded documents was rather impressive to boot. Eve turned out to be quite a pain, and it was gratifying to see her get played. Fiona being bossy and telling Madeleine how to tail someone was decently amusing as well.

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