Sunday, July 24, 2011

What I’m Watching: Franklin & Bash

Franklin & Bash: Season 1, Episode 8 “The Bangover” (C-)

This episode truly takes things to the extreme as Franklin and Bash are held in contempt for inexplicably fighting with lightsabers in court but put under house arrest so that they can’t turn their incarceration into a business opportunity. The convenient presence of Carmen’s convict friend and lover Dante and Karp’s marijuana-smuggling-prone cousin Lily make for one overstuffed episode of ridiculousness. Among the episode’s wilder and sillier moments were Franklin sticking his foot out the window so that the ankle monitor’s signal would register and the police could come save them and Pindar arguing that Carmen simply couldn’t keep her hands off Dante because of the sexual connection between them. Pindar testifying was rather amusing, especially when he lost all his confidence when he realized the pot muffins he had eaten were actually just muffins. Dante turning himself in was rather absurdly and improbably sweet, and hopefully Carmen can do something more productive and sensible with her time now. It’s no surprise that Bash quickly bedded Lily, though having her tell the judge that she planned to stay with him instead of Karp seemed like a rather quick step. It’s good to see the relatively unlikeable Karp win one every once in a while, without even having to call Infeld to step in. It seems like there’s no keeping the truth from him, however, since he appears to be all-knowing and also happens to have pissed off a good number of people in the legal world, lawyers and judges alike.

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