Thursday, July 7, 2011

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 7, Episode 2 “From Trauma Cometh Something” (B)

The second installment of this season is a bit more on-track than the first, returning to some of the familiar antics of its characters, but it still doesn’t seem in a rush to get anywhere fast. It’s mainly Nancy’s efforts to unload the grenades, which don’t seem to progressing at an interesting rate, with her spilling her secrets to the random person who offers her a free sample of pot after she asks him for a wed hook-up in exchange for the grenades. Nancy dressed in her very modest outfit was both hilarious and disturbing, and her snide subway comment, “You have no idea how ironic this outfit is,” was perfectly delivered. Silas getting skewered when he went in for his interview and told to come back five years ago was quite entertaining, and it’s rather shocking that he actually managed to elicit sympathy by mentioning how his mother just got out of prison. This season’s best recurring character thus far seems to be Gary Anthony Williams as the halfway house counselor. His “default face” and “From trauma cometh something” was terrific, and just as funny as Andy asking Nancy’s terrifying roommate for anecdotes about his sister-in-law. Shane and Andy watching the video about readjusting while Nancy comes back on the subway was a well-done scene, and would have sent the episode out on a good note, though Nancy couldn’t be content enough with getting away with her extended visit and had to admit to smoking pot in front of the counselor. Also funny: Doug wanting to take cab and Silas insisting that he would be taking the subway.


  1. Watch Weeds Season 7 all upcoming episodes of this season through this website.

  2. I like Nancy Botwin performance in this show. She is amazing and very talented actress. And I also like the storyline of Weeds TV Show. Its one of the best series.
